Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

Mr.Purwito says

Mr.Pur says ......
To the students of 9 class Junior High School 2 Surabaya

To the My beloved 9 class students that I proud of.
On April 27 2009 you will have an national examination. It is a decision for you future it can be good or ......bad.Will you pass the examination or not. There are four subject for National examination ,they are Indonesian, Math, English and science. Beside national examination, too . They are Religion, Civil, Social, Local education etc. You have to study all of them hard, stay healthy and always pray to you God. Study without pray was called snob because you forgot about your God, pray without study was called dumb because you knew that you have an examination but you don't want to study. You must do to thing, study and pray. For Muslim's students, don't forget to pray in over to night to your God in order to give you easiness in your examination, and I hope all of the students of SMPN 2 Surabaya will pass 100% and all of you have a good mark. Amien .....
My beloved students,
All the teachers just try you help you become the best next generation, clever and always have a a good habit and behavior to you parents and teachers. You must remember that you are next generation. Indonesian future is on your hands, the youth generation. I think that enough, Mr Pur can say, as you Javanese teacher. I say in this blog because I don't want to get behind about IT. Please teach me,students.......
I think, it's time for finish my words.More and less I say sorry. Good bye.

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